WalkWithMe-Leave People's Children Alone!

 On a very angry note, I want to state this; if you are a man and do not want to be vulnerable before and accountable to a woman, don't contemplate the idea of getting married! And if you are a woman and you believe it is impossible for you to serve a man or any other person within a home, please be far from marital arrangements because this is all marriage is about; finding a safe place to be vulnerable and not ashamed and an opportunity to serve!

So leave people's children alone instead of bringing them to a setting where they'll be stressed unnecessarily.

Scripture said the man needed help and company and that is why the woman was made (Genesis 2:20) So why will this same man say things like "I don't want to be vulnerable before my wife" or that "I don't want to cry before my wife else she'll see me as a weak man" or "I don't want my wife to know that I'm broke" etcetera. Well hello?! She already know you are insufficient in your self, she knows you are weak and she sure knows that your insufficiency and weakness is why she's there; to help you in every way possible.

Men need to be aware that the safest place to be vulnerable is with their wives! God placed her there to help you. Our God is a master organizer. Where he knows there'll be a problem, he provided solution and placed it right before our very eyes. Some of you men continue to suffer because you have refused to make use of the solution placed before you. 

I'm sure some will say "I have financial needs and my wife cannot solve it because she has no money". Well, hello again, share your problems with her. God may have put ideas that are potential wells of wealth if you hear her and take her advices. 

Some may also say "my wife is an illiterate, she can't help me!", Well she may be illiterate but God may have put within her the ability to give you the conducive environment to use your literate mind! 

Every woman God places in your life is there to meet your need. If you are still struggling, then you are not using your solution well.

Your marriage setting should be one that when you are stressed, hurt, challenged, happy etc as a man, you should be running to your wife to find comfort, solution, peace etc. But men who actually do that and are enjoying it's benefits are being discouraged in our world of today. In my Nigerian world, those men are being called "woman wrapper" meaning that they don't have a mind of their own but that is not the case! It is infact, only the man who has deep understanding of how God arranged these things that hold on. 

A wise woman said to me "God will not come down in his glory to solve your problems, he'll use people" and I dare say that in the case of a married man, he'll always use your wife to bless you. 

I use to marvel when I see/hear men go to their "boys" for solution or advice or to even share moments of joy and celebration in priority to their wives! Sometimes, men will say things like "my wife is useless to me because she can't understand this or that" or that "my wife is a liability to me" and all. Toh sannu! You who is wiser than God, the manufacturer of all things!

If you don't want to be vulnerable before your wife, leave the woman alone and let another man be raised to get her. 

The thing is, your failure to work according to the way the manufacturer made these things to be frustrates the other part of the system. A woman becomes highly frustrated because God made her to see through a man's weakness (some will say, my wife is always seeing my weakness. She never sees my strength!Well voila! This is why. God made her to meet needs and so she'll always have the eagle eyes to see it) and you don't allow her solve it!

And to you aunty, I realized in my journey that whether or not you like it, God made you to serve the need of others starting from your husband to your children and to every other person God brings to you(I don't mean to serve as a slave oh) God made us to be home builders, solution "Profferers", encouragers, and many more. This is all your education/training, career, achievements come down to; that you are able to meet the needs of others. Now I don't want to care what philosophy of the world you have chosen to hold on to but this is the truth. You'll find that the more you serve the purpose for which God made you, the more fulfilled you will be.

So leave other people's children alone until you have come to this realization. So you don't get to complicate your life and that of others.

Please, share your views with me in the comment section. I want to learn more.




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