WalkWithFxafa- Man's Philosophies Versus God's Truth.

I don't know how to explain how I feel; whether it is anger or just confusion at how people formulate philosophies to suit their blatant lasciviousness and are even confident in their shamelessness! 

Ehn ehn! Don't even respond to me if you know you are not a Christian. I'm talking to people with whom I share the same Vine even more because you won't even follow; you'll rather be the "off-key" in an otherwise melodious music! 

How can a Christian woman say something like "i'm I his cook? Did he marry me to be cooking for him or be his house keeper... bla bla" and form a philosophy to support such laziness and disobedience to God's word and call it being "feminist"! Look, the truth is, God made us home keepers! He says " A wise woman builds her house but the foolish woman destroys hers"! That is to say that everything that pertains to building and advancing your home ranging from house keeping, to teaching and application of values and Godly principles and doctrines, to raising Godly children, to supporting the husband/man, to every tiny little detail pertaining to home building is your duty/obligation not shared responsibility between you and your spouse oh, it says "a wise WOMAN" and not "a wise MAN AND WOMAN"!... But you are not that wise. Are you? That's why there is conflict in your home constantly between you and your spouse because you have refused to do your part but is rather causing confusion in the way the omniscient God ordered it because your "over sabi sabi" told you that you are wiser than The One who created all things and said "it is good"; because you too have gone to school and have arrived, because " na you know pass"! That's why you litter our society with unscrupulous elements in the name of children, coming to ruin and frustrate the efforts of "wise women" who did their homework and that of their good children! Ehhhh, is that not madness?! That's why I tell as many damsels as I care about and are willing to listen; " Don't even contemplate marriage when you know you are not ready to keep a house and be a mother simultaneously! God bless my mother! When I introduced my husband to her, she simply asked me to read Proverbs 31 and asked me if I'm ready to be all that; I mean, the "waking up while it is still dark to make food for my family" Part and all! And I answered "whneee! " 🤦‍♀️ just because I was desperate to marry and most importantly have legitimate coitus! I eventually took my time to study it and kitted up for the role because guys, once you are not building up your house, my sister, you are a foolish woman! And I'm proud to say I'm holding up my part in that bargain and even so, very well! 

Another annoying philosophy that man has formulated and cultured is that of dishonour! Young people will dishonor elders with so much confidence! Some will even spice it with more shamelessness by adding " I have never done so, so and so thing to/for my mother talk more of you " ... I don't get it! That is something you should be ashamed of saying! You should not be proud of dishonoring your parents and using that as a yardstick to dishonor other elderly people! For Christ sake, simple morals says to give assistance to an older person whether or not you know them let alone your parents! And this is very rampant among young ones like me! I see it is even trending on social media and it is unfortunately being applauded; the culture of dishonor y'all! Someone posted his girlfriend was in his house and refused to assist his mother in washing and the whole world, well, the Nigerian world, applauded her! That is dishonor! Rebecca got rewarded for giving honor guys! The devil is deceiving us and robbing us of our blessings! All Rebecca had to do to get her a place in the genealogy of the blessed was to offer assistance to an elderly stranger she didn't know from any where! And guess what? The girl delivered! Offer to help, there's a reward. It is not belittling, it is honoring and it comes with a reward. It also does not show that you are desperate especially when it comes from this understanding and not from any obscure motive. Start by honouring your father and your mother so that your days may be long first; listen to them, obey them s a sign of honor and it doesn't matter whether you agree with them or not, talk to them respectfully, go out of your way to do little things for them that they can even most times do for themselves, relieve them from burden as much as you can. Do things like assisting them when they undertake to do certain chores in your presence like carrying a chair, washing their dishes, sweeping their floors! You know, most of these people have been doing these very same things for us all their lives! Just give back as much as you can. If it is your boy/girlfriends' parents, do it for them because even though they didn't directly serve you in your own time of need (when you where a child and helpless) , they contributed in making the fine person you are in love with! Honour them by even tolerating their excesses! Well yes, I admit that they can be a full plate sometimes, but try to tolerate them! That's honour because guys, dishonor comes with a cost. Remember Noah, remember Ham and how he got cursed for the role he played in dishonor. What did he do? He only laughed because it is quite laughable that their father, the powerful man that he was, will drink himself to that point! But God punished him for it! That is to show you how seriously God takes honor. Honor them even if they are "fucking up"! It is not our place to treat their " Fuck ups" It is God's place. He said he'll punish who ever causes the young ones to sin! There is truly a way that "seems" Right unto man which is actually but destruction. Let us desist from attempting to use the knowledge of man to understand the wisdom of God because we'll just end up at a fallacy. Remember, his ways are way higher above ours. 

There are many many philosophoes that the devil is using to deceive our generation. But hey, join me to expose the liar that he is! Because what is his job if not to steal, kill and destroy! He is trying to steal our blessings from us, to kill us by shortening our lifespan and to destroy us especially in our marriages and family life through the use of lies. 

Share with me other philosophical lies of the enemy along side God's truth! Let's enlighten the world and take our mandate back. I'll be in the comment learning. 



  1. Insights I have received!! Am keeping it and sharing this to the world. Thank ma'am, !!!


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