WalkWithFxafa-Spread Positivity.

 Before I got married, people who know me well can attest to how confident I am. My confidence was an all rounder😅! As in, I felt confident both physically and spiritually 😂,, like i sabi!

Few months in to my marriage, I had multiplied!😬 I started making frequent trips to my tailor because no clothe seemed to fit. I was either expanding or making new! And with my new body, I lost my sense of style. I forgot what I loved and even when I figured that out, it cannot suit my new body. I couldn't have time for my hair, my nails heck, I didn't have time for anything whilst trying to adjust into my new role. 

I remember breaking down in to tears because I felt frustrated. At some point, I avoided all social gatherings. I even avoided my family. As a result, I lost connection with the world. I had no information. I was even too depressed to go online for fear of facing my reality and my obvious inability to move with the trend; that times and people have changed so much and I'm being left behind.

And while dealing with all these, and for the few times I necessarily had to be out, I met people who spoke to me so derogatorily with out knowing all that I was dealing it. 

I lost all the confidence I had. I started plunging in to depression. I was even more sure that I will certainly amount to nothing because of all the derogatory comments I got from people. 

The truth is, some of us are words people. What I mean is that we take words spoken to us very seriously because we our selves are serious about the words we speak. So what people say to us affect us very seriously. 

This is why I want to categorically state that people have battles they are fighting both inwardly and outwardly, people have challenges they are struggling with, people have secret fears, people are dealing with a lot of stuffs. That being said, if you don't have any positive thing to say to a person, please, keep your mouth shut! 

Don't be the last straw that will end it for people. Don't be the last cut to the tiny robe holding people together. Watch your tongue. Watch "what" you say, "who" you say it to and "how" you say it. My emphasis is more on the "how" because there may be need to speak up, maybe to correct, help or provide guide to a person. But when said inappropriately, it will certainly defeat it's purpose. Words spoken wrongly even with the best of intentions can cause deep wounds to others. The Good Book said it that knowledge expressed without wisdom is foolishness-Proverbs 15 vs 2

Remember that words once said can not be taken back. And the hurt you give to people through your not expression even if they are true becomes wrong. 

Moreover, "life and death lies in the tongue"

Let's spread love and encouragement. Times are hard! Even the people standing on good balance need positivity for continuity.

Let our mouths articulate wisdom and our tongue spew kindness. Let people find strength and courage and healing in our words.




  1. Discourse on the subject matter of the tongue is one that ought to enjoy the same status as that of a nation's national pledge frequently recited by pupils. It's importance cannot be overemphasized.


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