WalkWithFxafa-Is It My Fault?


🥂 to those of you who have perfect marriages!( 🙄yeah yeah. I know they exist and that shear knowledge makes me really envious). To those of us in the battle field😅, all I can say is; "more grease to our elbows mehn!"

A quick story. 
My husband came home a little earlier than usual. I was excited because I love his company. His coming got me pumped with excitement. I was on my feet, trying to set his dinner and make the home as comfortable for him as possible. One thing led to another and we were arguing. Then he storms out of the house while talking to "a friend" on the phone and explaining to him how "this woman" has started nagging him out "again" and he's on his way for them to hang out and I could hear the other person giving him what seemed to be words of comfort while urging him to hasten up.

I on the other, became so frustrated. What I had hoped was going to be a marvelous evening has turned out to be a bitter one and all I could do was blame my self. I was so sure it was my fault that my husband left. I began chastising my self on how I should have done things differently. And from then on, added to the occurrence of many other similar  situations, I began a very determined journey in to loosing my self. I believed that if I let my self go and emerse my entire being in to him, we would have little to no disagreements and everything will be fine and I'd be happy in my "happily ever after." 

I had no single idea that his decisions had absolutely nothing to do with me! Infact, I came to realize that he just simply uses me as a means to an end in those moments. 

It's like this; he wants to go out late at night. He knows it is not appropriate for a person in his place to do so. He's aware that there's no reason good enough to present to me. So what he does is that he creates the situation where I'd take the blame😅. He pushes me to my extreme and when I react, he gets his perfect opportunity! I've proven that over and over again.

Then I came to this understanding;





-IT IS HOWEVER YOUR DUTY TO GIVE ADVISES! And that is about the best that you can do.

Most times, the society forces people especially women in monogamous relationships to loose themselves as a way solving marital or relationship misunderstandings. I've heard many stories where partners even cheat and force the other partners to bare the blame with words like; "he/she pushed him/her to it", "you don't have to argue with him/her, just let him/her have it their way" even when you know they are wrong. I've even heard things like "two wise people can not be in a relationship. One person has to be the stupid one or at least, behave stupid!" What a falasy where relationships best works with two wise people who are intentional about making it work! These among many others.

 Any thing done by a person is completely a product of choice. Even God did not force salvation down our throats! He placed it before us and URGED us to CHOOSE!(Deuteronomy 30:19) 

STOP BLAMING YOURSELF FOR THE CHOICES OF OTHERS! We'll all bare our consequences sooner or later. Give your self the love that you deserve. Live life in the best way you know possible. Always fulfill your part in any bargain. That's all the responsibility you owe. 

Walk me through your own experiences in the comment section and let's learn from each other!😊



  1. A beautiful piece. You got everything right,many are really facing situations such as this and my humble prayer is for us not to loose ourselves, our identity in trying to fix things or in retaliation. I can remember almost loosing my thumb finger in trying to retaliate and punish my husband for deriving force excuses to go out late.I was cautioned by the Holy spirit.
    My sister my thumb never heal ooooo,I still de press am��

    1. Hello Gracefully! Thank you for your response. I'm so glad you brought up how the Holy Spirit helps tremendously in this kinds of situations. I had to learn the way of hearing the Holy Spirit. Once I did that, everything became more easy for me.

      When I feel like reacting, I take a second to hear him and he always speaks! And even when I go ahead to react(I'm human��), the Holy Spirit helps me rethink and understand my flaws.

      May we receive the grace to hear God speak to us through his Holy Spirit in our times of confusion ❤️❤️

  2. A beautiful piece. You got everything right,many are really facing situations such as this and my humble prayer is for us not to loose ourselves, our identity in trying to fix things or in retaliation. I can remember almost loosing my thumb finger in trying to retaliate and punish my husband for deriving force excuses to go out late.I was cautioned by the Holy spirit.
    My sister my thumb never heal ooooo,I still de press am😄

  3. What you have shared I can truly say I agree because I have been there. You see, I was married to a man and went through this same scenario, eventually we are no longer married after much turmoil. It was then time to move on, God gave the instructions and I followed. After such pain; I played back in my head, every single scenario over and over. How everything played out, how he put guilt on me and I blamed myself for his reactions towards me. Held so much guilt in not being good enough to keep my own husband. Not feeling beautiful or wanted. You see I have now overcome and realize this issue has nothing to do with me, this man is dealing with his own guilt, his own choice of hurting me. And his reaction was to take it out on me, making me feel like I was the problem, just so his lust can be satisfied.

    So, I believed it was all my faulth he didn't want me. BUT!! when you have encountered the truth, and the truth in knowing that it is not your fault. when you realize that his guilt is what is killing him and making him treat you that way. When I accepted the truth from God, it was easier then for me to see this was not my fault, but he made a choice, and I learn not to blame myself for the choices He made. It doesn't matter what we have done or vice versa, we all have choices to make. Don't hold guilt or blame yourself, Esepecially if you know you did nothing wrong! "If the unbeliever departs, let him depart for you are no longer under the law" xoxo

    1. Hello NJ! Thanks for for sharing your experience and sorry for all you had to go through.

      I love that you talked about"encountering the truth" because that is the only way a person can come to the understanding that everyone act according to their choices and no one can/will/should be blamed for the wrongful choices of others.

      May we always live in the knowledge of God's truth.❤️❤️

  4. Hello Gracefully! Thank you for your response. I'm so glad you brought up how the Holy Spirit helps tremendously in this kinds of situations. I had to learn the way of hearing the Holy Spirit. Once I did that, everything became more easy for me.

    When I feel like reacting, I take a second to hear him and he always speaks! And even when I go ahead to react(I'm human��), the Holy Spirit helps me rethink and understand my flaws.

    May we receive the grace to hear God speak to us through his Holy Spirit in our times of confusion ❤️❤️


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