WalkWithFxafa-Believe It, It's True!

 So in many forms of relationships be it family relationships, friendships, romantic relationships, marital relationships and what have you, that exists between people, at one point or the other, you get to hear one party say certain things that hurt the other party and at the point of apology, the offending party says something like "I didn't mean it, I was just upset or provoked", or "I didn't mean it, I was drunk" or "I just wanted to upset you" or "I wasn't thinking" and similar excuses just like these and the other party takes it and dismisses the offense.

Or in other situations, people tell you things that you ordinarily should take seriously but you put it off, giving excuses for them with lines like "I know Abc and I know he/she did not mean what he/she said" 

Well, I'm here to tell you what I just realized; BELIEVE IT! Because it is the truth! This may be hard to take in but I realized, it's just an opportunity God gives you to know the truth. You and I can't get into a man's heart to know what's in it. The closest  you and I can get is hearing it from their mouths! Even the Good book confirmed it; "...out of the abundance of the heart, mouth speaks" (Matthew 12:34-37 will help you understand better). I'm now a strong believer of the faith that "overwhelming feeling will express it self in speech with or without intension"

Please take it just like it was said. If a person tells you "I hate you" please take it and be careful around them. If your spouse tells you "you mean nothing to me" , please take it and start giving value to your self rather than hope for the validation you may never get, if your friend says "I'm jealous of you" please take it, it is the truth, if some one tells you"I love you", don't try to test it, take it in or maybe you should ask for a definition of the kind of love so as to help you get better understanding, why should you be exerting precious effort to help a person in doing or achieving something why he/she already told you that "I'll do what I want to do" or "no body can make me do what I want to do"

This goes even deeper! For instance, if you are a traditionalist, you have no business marrying or befriending a feminist! Don't try too hard to prove your truth to a person who already told you they don't believe you!

This awareness will go a great extend in guiding you and preventing you from carrying a lot of unnecessary pressure.

I'm sharing this because knowing this truth I realize will save you a tremendous amount of stress! Like why will you be trying to find value from a person who already told you they don't value you? Why will you go and be discussing your achievement with a friend who already told you from the get go that they are jealous of you if it's not trouble you are looking for?

Let's channel our energies to positive endeavors, sources that can give us room to grow or get better instead of allowing ourselves get entrapped in this loop.




  1. This is an interesting article. Thumbs up to you.

    1. Thank you. Hope you come around as often as possible

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! Please come back for more interesting reads😁

  3. No truer words Fxafa. No truer words. People always mean what they say. Especially when provoked.

  4. Beautiful piece....I love every bite of these and would love to read more inspiring and intelligent article as these


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